9 Lessons from the Most Watched Sermon Ever

9 Lessons from the Most Watched Sermon Ever

It was billed by some as the biggest evangelistic opportunity of a generation and, if it isn’t already the most-viewed sermon of all time, it’s likely to become so. But what lessons can we learn from Justin Welby’s preach?

You can watch Archbishop Justin’s sermon below or read it here.

“Christian hope means certain expectation of something not yet seen. Christ rose from the dead & offers life to all, abundant life now & life with God in eternity… We will all face the merciful judgment of God. We can all share the Queen’s hope…”
🔥 ❤️🙌pic.twitter.com/2WGNyb3Y2P

— Robin Ham (@rhamage) September 19, 2022

To read the 9 lessons I found helpful to reflect on, please read my article at Premier Christianity here.