The Sunday Refill – 7 Links for Your Weekend (27/9/20)

You may have noticed no Refill for the last couple of Sundays, the reason being that we had our own ‘Sunday Refill’ arrive in the middle of the night, the Sunday before last…
Thanks for all the love! Grateful hearts here, and cue cheesy photos:
So I can’t say I’ve been particularly immersed in the web for the past fortnight! But I had a few links drafted beforehand and I’ve stumbled across a few more amidst the caffeine-fuelled joys of paternity leave.
So here’s seven up…
1) Leading with Hope – CPAS Leadership webinars continue to be a high quality resource through lockdown. This new series will focus in on the need to lead with hope – and here’s the first one.
2) What I Wish I Had Learned at Theological College – A pastor turning fifty reflects on what he wished he’d really known as he took on his first pastorate.
3) Concerns from within Evangelicalism – This looks set to be a fascinating series of blog posts from Mark Meynell exploring his reflections on British evangelicalism.
4) Agenda: What does euthanasia mean for those who want to live? – The Assisted Suicide debate has raged over the last few weeks, especially in Scotland. I thought this was a perceptive article in the Scottish press.
5) What Happens When Clergy Leave Ministry – A challenging and personal account of what can happen when a pastor steps away from ministry. This is written in a Church of England context, but it’s worth considering how we support those in this situation from all denominations and none.
6) Privilege, Oppression, Intersectionality And The Church – A long piece, but a stimulating read on a hot topic.
7) One Good Meal – For something a bit different, this is a bit of a treasure trove. As it says, ‘Cooking-inclined creative people share the story behind a favourite dish they actually make and eat at home’ [i.e. not just for fancy dinners, etc].
Quote of the Week:
“Jesus presents a profound challenge to anyone who thinks that privileged people cannot lay it aside and confront injustice—as well as to anyone who thinks that, since privilege is a gift from God, there is no particular need to use it on behalf of the oppressed…”
Sharing is caring. Know someone who might find these links a blessing? Why not forward it on?