Brew & Chew – Catch up on Week 2

In these strange times where daily routines & rhythms have gone out the window, I’ve tried a post-lunch ‘Brew & Chew’ – a live bitesize dig into God’s word each midweek afternoon at 1.30pm for about 15 minutes. It’s a chance to come together amidst uncertain times.
We’re looking at the book of Ecclesiastes, a book that is well-acquainted with the fragility of life.
If you’d like to catch up on this weeks, you can do so below:
Day 4 (Mon 23/3) – Ecclesiastes 2:1-11
Day 5 (Tues 24/3) – Ecclesiastes 2:12-26
Day 6 (Weds 25/3) – Ecclesiastes 3:1-14
Day 7 (Thurs 26/3) – Ecclesiastes 3:15-22
Day 8 (Fri 27/3) – Ecclesiastes 2:1-11
If you want to watch the previous week’s videos, click here.
You can ‘like‘ Grace Church Barrow on Facebook to follow along…