13 Excellent Christmas & Advent Videos for 2015

In keeping with Christmas traditions, here’s my 2015 list of some of the best short videos I’ve come across to mark Advent & Christmas 2015. Whether it be sharing online, or playing in a Carol Service or assembly, hopefully there’s something here for you.
You can also check out my 2013 and 2014 lists.
Know of any others?
1. Four Kinds of Christmas – Glen Scrivener
Brilliant one-shot video, but so well thought-out. Glen’s Christmas videos are always top-notch, but the question of the ‘four kinds’ is a great way to get us thinking. We love working out our ‘type’ so I reckon this, alongside the interactive website and book, will be a great conversation starter.
2. Loved This Christmas (The Baby From The Stars) – Dan Rackham
A simple but powerful re-make of the popular ‘Man On The Moon’ John Lewis ad, with a heart-warming twist. Also features a ‘Continue the Story’ link, with an accompanying website.
3. Away in a Mangy Manger – Christmas Carols Radio
Ben Vane from the excellent Christmas Carols Radio unpicks the lyrics of that popular carol, and poetically exposes something of the shock that God would come to that ‘mangy manger’.
4. 4 Words, 4 Stories – Spoken Truth (Dai Woolridge)
Dai offers another of his spoken word pieces and seeks to apply the realities of the Christmas story into the realities of the fears that 2015 seems to have been particularly marked by. Fantastic.
5. What’s in the Box? – The Good Book Company
Clever animation designed to get people re-thinking about Christmas. Comes with accompanying book by Rice Tice & Nate Morgan-Locke.
6. InstaChristmas – Discovery Church
Simple but clever re-telling of the Christmas story through Instagram images.
7. The First Coming – Dan Stevers
Some stunning visuals, alongside a dramatic narration. Dan has many more short visuals suited for Advent & Christmas on his website.
8. Advent (God With Us) – The Village Church
Spoken word piece capturing how God’s coming in Jesus was the fulfilment of a people’s hopes and dreams.
9. Upside Down Christmas – Creative Pastors
A simple spoken reading, but watch ’til then end and you’ll see it’s actually very clever!
10. The Paradox of Christmas – Igniter Media
Disneyesque re-telling of the Christmas story, but still capturing its wonder.
11. Christmas in Dark Places – Glen Scrivener
Although this is from 2013, I think it has to be one of my favourites. It is sensitive to the fact that for many Christmas is actually a hard time of year.
12. Three Wise Men – The Nativity Factor
Funny contemporary ‘re-telling’ of Jesus’ birth.
13. Christmas Eve Childbirth in the back of a Taxi – The Nativity Factor
What if it had all happened in 2015?
14. Force Awakens Parody – Christmas Starts With Christ
Well, someone had to go there with a Star Wars mash-up…
Found others that are worth sharing? Please stick them in the comments below!