Mumford & Sons’ new song is an anthem for a generation rediscovering Christianity

Mumford & Sons’ new song is an anthem for a generation rediscovering Christianity

Marcus Mumford has certaintly never wanted to be a poster boy for Christianity. But his band's new song, 'Malibu' may, nonetheless, be capturing a cultural moment...

Ever since Mumford & Sons’ début album 'Sigh No More' was released in 2009, listeners worldwide have grown accustomed to their lead singer articulating questions, weariness, and the struggle to believe. At the time, perhaps this trajectory was expected from a new-found rock star known to have grown up as a pastor’s kid, but who now, like many, had distanced himself from organised religion. 
But in Malibu - one of the taster tracks from the band’s first album in seven years - something seems to have shifted. Instead of scepticism, we hear surrender. Instead of restless wandering, a sense of finding refuge. And just maybe, this will be the anthem of a generation rediscovering the Christian faith...

You can read my full piece over at Premier Christianity here.