The Saturday Refill – 7 Links for the Weekend (30/1/16)

Sure, there’s nothing new under the sun. And yet each week online there’s a heap of new posts, articles and videos. Life goes on if you miss them, of course, but there’s still such wisdom, inspiration, and encouragement out there.
And the idea behind this weekly post isn’t particularly new either. Putting a handful of such links together in one place? Hardly rocket science. Yet, let’s give it a whirl, in the hope that this might be useful. A chance to ‘refill’, in case you missed them first time around.
So, here’s 7 for this weekend:
1) Q&A with Sally Philipps on parenting a child with additional needs in church – Ruth Jackson conducts a fascinating & honest interview with British TV comedy star & writer Sally Philipps about her experiences and reflections on this often-neglected area.
2) 8 Things Every Person Should Do After 8pm – Some really interesting observations about ‘evening life’ and the health of our patterns and practices. It’s not coming from a Christian perspective, but there’s some healthy challenges here.
3) Faith or Christ? – Whether or not you’re a pastor, I’m confident you’ll be really encouraged after watching this three-minute excerpt of a D. A. Carson sermon from this year’s Desiring God Pastor’s Conference. What is the grounds of our assurance in the Christian life? Here’s the surprise: it’s not our faith.
4) Why Labels Are Important -Ian Paul both calls out those who say that using labels is necessarily divisive, and explains that to say, “I don’t use labels,” can be just as much a powerplay as using them.
5) What I Wish I’d Known: Reflections on Nearly 40 Years of Pastoral Ministry – Much wisdom here. I particularly found Sam Storms’ musings on insecurity helpful and perceptive.
6) The Gay Conversation Podcast – I’ve enjoyed the first couple of episodes of this new podcast from Qideas, and I commend them to you. Hosts Gabe Lyons and Preston Sprinkle introduce various contributors with the aim of changing our posture and increasing our awareness, rather than shifting our theology.
7) In His Grip – If you haven’t come across this before, do check it out and pass it on. A set of resources, talks, and blog posts from the perspective of “adults, children and families held by God in the midst of disability”.
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