The Sunday Refill (13/03/16)

A day later than normal, but here’s 7 links for the weekend:
1) How Christianity Invented Children – Taking us back to a time to a world where children were treated as the lowest of the low (with some quite upsetting realities laid bare), this piece then traces the impact of the Christian worldview to bring about change.
2) Staying the Course in a Changing Culture – John Piper, Don Carson, and Tim Keller get together to reflect back on their long ministries and consider what might have changed in the way they’re now seeking to engage with the surrounding culture.
3) Miscarriage from the Father’s Perspective – Nearly 1 in 4 pregnancies end in a miscarriage. This father’s account of processing the loss of a life is a moving and eye-opening account, particularly so because this isn’t something we often talk about.
4) Islamic State group: The full story – BBC correspondent Jim Muir puts together a lengthy but comprehensive piece on the story behind ISIS.
5) Peter Hitchens on why it is time to emigrate – Laura Perrins conducts a fascinating written interview with writer & public-thinker Peter Hitchens, brother of late atheist Christopher. Some of his observations are very perceptive.
6) Seven Things to do After You Look at Pornography – This is practical, hope-filled and calls a spade a spade.
7) Man From Year 2249 Asks God For Time-Traveling Mercies – And now for something completely different…