The Sunday Refill – 7 Links for the Weekend (20/3/16)

Some heptagonal goodness coming right up…
1) Free E-Book: “Why Trust the Bible?” by Greg Gilbert – This is really worth getting your hands on: a simple and accessible case for why we can trust the Bible. Easter time often can bring up questions about why we’d even bother trusting the New Testament accounts of Jesus’ resurrection. Not sure how you’d answer? Download this.
2) 30 Thoughts on our 50 Days Overseas – Since reading Just Do Something and What Is the Mission of the Church?, I’ve been greatly helped by Kevin DeYoung’s writing. He’s just finished an epic 7-week trip to the UK and his reflections are definitely worth hearing (although is our fast-food really that far behind?!). If you want a taste of Kevin himself, here’s a question and answer session with him from one of the churches he visited on his trip.
3) The Top 20 Countries for Christian Growth – You may be surprised (and encouraged) by some of these!
4) 6 Ways We Ignore Unchurched Guests at Easter – Not rocket science, but some good reminders as we come up to a busy ‘guest season’.
5) John Kerry: ISIS is committing genocide in Syria and Iraq – An important step in recognising the extent of what’s happening at the hands of ISIS, so long as that recognition is now followed up with action.
6) Could your pastor be close to burnout? Our Survey says Yes – The folk over at the Good Book Company have been carrying out a survey about working patterns and stress levels among people in paid Christian work. And the results are quite alarming, including most working double the amount of hours they are paid to work.
7) How to sound smart in your TEDx Talk – The TED talk phenomenon has taken the world by storm, with many conferences now offering ‘TED-style’ elements in response. But its popularity also makes it ripe for ripping, and Will Stephen does that hilariously here.
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