The Sunday Refill – 7 Links for Your Weekend (14/1/18)

Seven up…
1) Children: A Help or Hindrance to Christian Ministry? – It’s sometimes tempting to wish for another season of life, all for the sake of the ‘ministry’.
2) Christmas and Cricket: Rediscovering Two Lost C. S. Lewis Articles After 70 Years – Some classic and only recently-discovered Lewis here, and a fun little anecdote to boot.
3) A Personal Tribute to Tim Keller – If you’re currently serving in, or are considering, pastoral ministry, then this reflection on Tim Keller’s ministry is well worth your time.
4) Church Planters are Farmers, Not Rock Stars – Yes, and we better believe it.
5) How to Help Your Children Read the Bible – Some really practical and thoughtful advice here for parents (and those involved in children’s and youth ministries).
6) Tim Farron: I was foolish to say gay sex isn’t a sin – This video interview with former Lib Dems Leader Tim Farron on Christian radio station, Premier, has been causing a lot of media attention this week, after Farron acknowledged his regret at his responses when repeatedly questioned in the run-up to 2017’s General Election. Stephen Kneale offers some helpful commentary for the rest of us in response. And if you want to see what Christians holding to the traditional position are up against, listen to LBC Radio’s James O’Brien make a mockery of a Christian caller on his phone-in after the Farron story broke.
7) Millenials Strike Back – An Esoteric Reading of The Last Jedi – For something a bit different, if you’ve seen the film then I’m sure you’ll enjoy this considered and persuasive analysis.
On the Blog this Week:
“The best things we do are usually the hardest”: An Interview with Dave Griffith-Jones