The Sunday Refill – 7 Links for Your Weekend (15/8/21)

Seven up…
1) Loneliness Limits Ministry – Why Pastors Need Good Friends – Appreciated this from Stephen Witmer – and appreciated all the more some good time spent with two good but usually far-flung friends this August.
2) New Song from EMU Music: Always Good – Enjoying this new congregational song from EMU. Based on Psalm 13, songwriters Alanna Glover & Claire Williams say: ‘David’s questions are big and important, and perhaps more than ever, we are in need of songs that ask – and answer – these questions. Ultimately, even in his sorrow and anguish, David turns to trust in the Lord’s unfailing love, and we hope and pray this song helps you to do that too.’
3) Free Webinar: ‘Online engagement in a post-Covid church’ – Looking forward to this from Go Chatter, which will cover: Why social media is not an advert (or a church notice board); How to build community; How to be creative in posting; What makes a ‘good’ or a ‘bad’ post, and why; Stories vs Posts; Quick, easy and practical ideas for your church; How to understand and use different social media platforms; Helpful, go-to resources.
4) Free Christian Books for August 2021 – Looking for something to read over the summer? Some great free eBooks or deals here.
5) Josh Harris’s Message Remains the Same – Carl Trueman in classic Trueman form in responding to the news this week that former Christian author and megachurch pastor Joshua Harris has launched his own 5-part course for $275 to help people ‘deconstruct’ their faith. A few days later Harris has shelved the course.
6) What does it really mean to be ‘salt of the earth’? – I haven’t got to Andrew Wilson’s new book, ‘God of all Things’ yet, but I keep hearing really positive things. Wilson helps readers ‘rediscover the sacred in an everyday world’. This is a fun sample chapter/article on salt.
7) How to Turn Into Things – For something a bit different, seriously, this guy…