The Sunday Refill – 7 Links for Your Weekend (16/1/22)

Seven up…
1) ‘Gaming for God’ Podcast Episode for Parents – How should parents approach their kids playing computer games? Haven’t got to this yet, but heard really positive things and looking forward to tuning in as the Faith in Kids team speak with Andy Geers, CEO of Discipleship Tech, and Andy Robertson, author of Taming Gaming for parents. Or if you’re not an Apple listener, find Spotify and other links here.
2) Webinars – CPAS are running a Leading Well in 2022 webinar this week, whilst Christianity Explored and Rico Tice are introducing and unpacking their new Hope Explored resource. Why not invest in an hour or so?
3) A 100-Mile Radius Life – This is interesting… I wonder, if the author had been in a UK context, whether they would have dialled down to less than a hundred miles!
4) Loss and Scandal Led Me to Jesus: Why I’m Not ‘Deconstructing’ – There’s a lot of talk of people ‘deconstructing’ their faith of late, but this testimony offers a different story. Trigger warning: Ashley’s testimony involves the suicide of a family member.
5) How do I find a balance between pressing ministry needs and my personal and family life? – This is a brief (video) answer to this much-asked question, but I thought it was a really helpful starting point.
6) Cancel Culture is a scourge but it’s rooted in goodness – Excellent piece from Amy Orr-Ewing on cancel culture and how ‘the power to forgive may be the greatest gift that the Christian story can offer our age’. Excellent too to see this published in The Times.
7) Wordle – For something a bit different, I’m a bit late to the party, but enjoying discovering the Wordle craze. And this is a fun article about the story about how Josh Wardle created it!