The Sunday Refill – 7 Links for Your Weekend (3/3/19)

There’s been a couple of Refill-less Sundays recently, due to a treasured mid-term break, but we’re back, so without further ado…
Seven up:
1) I’m really not busy… – How do you tend to answer the question, “Are you busy?” After all, for friends and family, we don’t want to give the impression we’re too busy for them, but instinctively we don’t want to give the impression we’re twiddling our thumbs either! Ian Paul has some good pointers here.
2) Will we worship artificial intelligence in the future? – Elizabeth Oldfield from Christian think tank Theos winsomely shares on the BBC website ‘why robots would make terrible gods’.
3) Act as Though There are Visitors in the Room – I was talking this week with someone about how we try to put this principle into practice for our church meetings/services.
4) Discipling Kids is a Long Game of Small Interactions – Ed Drew is always really helpful, and this is no exception. Check out his new podcast, Faith in Kids, too.
5) Don’t Get Married Before You Live Together – Loved this. Yes, that’s the right title. Give it a read…
6) Seven Things Jordan Peterson Taught Me Last Night – Sydney pastor Mark Leach gives his reflections on Peterson’s impact as he completes the Australian leg of his global tour. Some astute observations and suggestions.
7`) A Surprisingly Interesting and Twitter Thread on Urination in the Bible – For something a bit different, New Testament scholar and Principal of Tyndale House in Cambridge, Dr Peter J. Williams, is quickly building a reputation for being the king of Twitter threads. This collection is fascinating!
And if you’re looking for some material for a Lent small group, then why not consider Good News People? Six sessions to guide through exploring how the gospel shapes our everday. Download for free here.